
Compliance Considerations for Cannabis Packaging

As the cannabis business continues to grow, so does the need for quality packaging that meets legal guidelines. The law in one location may not be the same in another. Regulations can vary from state to state, so it’s important to know what qualifies as compliant cannabis packaging. Here are some factors to consider when investing in packaging for cannabis products.

Tamper-Evident Packaging

One common requirement of cannabis products is that they have tamper-evident packaging like those used for food and drug security. These can come in multiple forms. For example, the California Department of Public Health cites plastic seals, stickers, and jars with lids that pop up after opening as ways to make it clear to consumers that a cannabis product has been previously opened and potentially unsafe. Some states also stipulate that if a cannabis product has multiple uses, your container may need to be resealable.

An assortment of containers for cannabis products.Child-Resistant Containers

One common requirement for cannabis products is child-resistant packaging. This requirement originally came about after the 1970 Poison Prevention Packaging Act, a U.S. federal law that requires certain substances to be packed in child-resistant packaging. As more states legalize cannabis, related products are generally required to use “packaging that is designed or constructed to be significantly difficult for children under 5 years of age to open.”

Container Transparency

Depending on the state, it may be illegal if consumers can see the contents of your cannabis packaging. Multiple states, including Colorado, Oregon, and Massachusetts, all stipulate that cannabis products require opaque containers so that products cannot be seen from outside the packaging.

Labeling Considerations

What you put on your containers also plays into cannabis packaging compliance. Certain states may require companies to include specific information on their product labels. These can vary depending on location, but required details may include:

  • Name of strain
  • Weight
  • Chemical info (total THC, CBD, etc.)
  • Unique serial number
  • Name of strain and batch
  • Strength of strain
  • Specific dates (cultivation, testing, expiration, etc.)

In addition, there may be stipulations as the where these details should go. Some information may be meant for the primary label panel, whereas others should reside on the information panel. There are also restrictions on labeling that make organic or health claims, as well as limitations for packaging that may appeal to children. These individual rules can vary greatly by location, so make sure to double check your local and federal laws to keep your packaging in compliance.

Invest in Quality Cannabis Packaging

Cannabis regulations may make certain stipulations for your packaging, but that doesn’t mean that you need to settle for subpar containers. Pipeline Packaging offers a variety of cannabis containers, including jars, vials, and pouches that can keep your goods protected and help them stand out from the competition. Check out our available packaging products online or contact us today to learn how Pipeline can help your company today.