Title: Customer Service Representative in Houston, TX
How would you describe your role at Pipeline? Provide awesome customer service to our customers!
When did you start at Pipeline? January 2019
Family? Husband, Shawn
Pets? 2 dogs, Roxy & Zoey
What do you enjoy most about living in your area/state? No matter what direction you travel, there is always something fun to do.
Hobbies? Visiting breweries & experiencing different craft brews; hiking; traveling to new places; going to concerts
Pet peeves? People who interrupt others; people who sigh loudly; slow drivers- I have places to be!
Favorite movie? I Love You, Man, Star Wars (all of them), American Psycho
Favorite Color? Purple
Favorite Food? I love most foods but especially any vegatables.
What is something you think no one knows about you? I am quite shy around people I don't know.
What would you want other people to know about you? That I am a big joker
What 1 word best describes you? Dedicated
What do you enjoy most about working at Pipeline? It feels like family. I love my co-workers and how this company treats their employees.
Lacy Pratt
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